
听清楚南无阿弥陀佛的名义,在里面有你(南无)和佛(阿弥陀佛)微妙的关系存在,真正顶戴了这个关系 —‘被救与拯救’的关系后,你就会确实的打从心底‘南无’的归命慈父阿弥陀佛。


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

摘录 Rev George Gatenby 有关‘自信教人信,大悲广普化’的真宗精神

净土真宗并不是大家以为的那么‘被动’'passively',什么都不管,静等待佛的光明摄受。真正摄取光明,信心决定的人自然会转化为阿弥陀佛救度空间里的一分子,不分彼此就像十方的佛菩萨一样,没有一个不会被第十七愿的力量催促而积极地 'actively' 与人分享 - 称扬赞叹。以下,Rev George Gatenby 在他最近的文章里:Part 4: Ananda Bhiksu 也流露出一样的看法,这是真实信心的认知。

Instead, it is clear that - along with players in the drama of the disclosure of the Primal Vow, like Vaidehi, Ajatashatru and Devadatta - Shakyamuni and all the Buddhas of the universe point the way to the nembutsu as the true way to liberation. It is in this sense that we speak of Amida Buddha coming into the world in the form of Shakyamuni: as part of a vast, collective effort to bring the Primal Vow to light, which includes many great sages, who appear on the stage of history.

Indeed, the testimony of Shakyamuni Buddha alone is not enough for this great purpose!4 As Shan-tao points out, and Shinran affirms, the propagation of the Primal Vow of Amida Buddha is a vast, universal, and co-operative enterprise. It also involves people of nembutsu, people of shinjin, who are brothers and sisters5 and are 'white lotuses'6 among beings: rare and wonderful creatures. Though bombu, at a heartbeat from becoming Buddhas they are 'equal to Tathagatas'7 and, therefore, play a supportive role with Shakyamuni Buddha in proclaiming the Primal Vow through their nembutsu.

These facts have enormous significance for nembutsu people, people of shinjin. In a religious and spiritual sense, there are no 'superior' or 'elite' people among us. Hence, Shakyamuni is our parent and forerunner; the dharma masters are our older brothers. We are all of the same family.

Reverently, I say to all my fellow practicioners for Pure Land birth: You should all be deeply grateful. Shakyamuni Tathagata is truly our compassionate father and mother. He awakens the unsurpassed faith in us by various means.8

Shakyamuni and the masters have a functional role as Buddha and sangha in teaching the dharma: preserving and propagating news of the Primal Vow throughout the universe. But among nembutsu people there are no gurus; no wise people who are not also foolish; no experts; no luminaries; no savants; nor masterminds. Even a child - or a person with learning difficulties, or someone who knows nothing - can be our teacher.
Therefore, in our tradition we should know that for those who study various scriptures and are knowledgeable about Buddhism, all is in vain and for naught if they are ignorant of the single thought of entrusting.9

As far as the propagation of the Primal Vow is concerned, nembutsu people join with all the Buddhas of the universe in praising the Name of Amida Buddha. When it comes to proclaiming of the way of nembutsu, we are never alone, although we may feel as though we are. We do not need to feel personally responsble for furthering knowledge of the dharma as though it was a great weight upon our shoulders, for all nembutsu people, and all the Buddhas of the universe, share the same task.

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