
听清楚南无阿弥陀佛的名义,在里面有你(南无)和佛(阿弥陀佛)微妙的关系存在,真正顶戴了这个关系 —‘被救与拯救’的关系后,你就会确实的打从心底‘南无’的归命慈父阿弥陀佛。


Friday, October 12, 2012

Larger Sutra on Buddha Amitayus 净土教之根本经典——《大无量寿経》最新英译版

Newly published! 新出版
Latest modern translation of the fundamental text of  

the Pure Land school - 

Larger Sutra on Buddha Amitayus



The Larger Sutra is one of the most widely studied sutra in the Pure Land school. However the classical Chinese text is often inaccessible to those not well versed in the language. In order to bring the teachings accessible to modern readers, Rev. Prof. Inagaki Zuio (Professor Emeritus of Ryukoku University) has made this translation in plain English. As many as five versions of the sutra are extant in the Chinese tripataka, however this Tsao-Wei 
曹魏 version is the one relied on by past Pure Land masters such as Tan Luan 昙鸾 and Shan Dao 善导. Includes the original Chinese text and a glossary explaining technical terms.


Contact Mr Melvin Lim for distribution.


Book price/ 书本定价:Free / 免费

Email address: melvinlimlc@gmail.com

HP no.: 012-2202561

Note: strictly for local distribution only.